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Public restroom. Klitschko couldn’t care less about the rights of “Indians”

Public restroom. Klitschko couldn’t care less about the rights of “Indians” - Korruptionist in Ukraine
Currently, there are of different kinds and types of public toilets in Kyiv. These are municipal public toilets and private toilets. Everything is clear if we talk about toilets, which are private. If you pay money — you get the service. But if considering municipal toilets, there are some questions.

Public toilets of municipal ownership, of a stationary type, which were mostly built by 1991 and are located in parks, squares, undergrounds, are on the balance of municipal utilities in the city. The main problem with the functioning of the public toilets network is the lack of toilets for free, especially those equipped for wheelchair users.

Specialized water utility communal enterprise Kyivvodfond has specially created an electronc map of public toilets.

On this map we have can see the availability of toilets in the city, their suitability for use or seasonality (if they work in the spring and summer). The color of these symbols are red and green, red means that a toilet does not work, green — works. By the June 24, 2019, there are 33 toilets, with only 17 constantly working; with 13 for spring and summer usage only. The situation is extremely sad for people with special needs. Cirizens who travel by wheelchairs need to go to the Hydropark Metro Station to be able to use the toilets. There are two toilets equipped for people with disabilities at this station and both work in spring and summer.

Let’s pay special attention to the government quarter. On the map of Kyivvodfond, we can see that toilet can be used only in one place, it is in the building of the Ukrainian Station of Emergency Consultative Medical Assistance of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, at 7A Mykhaylo Hrushevsky Street.

Last year the magazine ( in an electronic version) informed about the restrooms that were equipped for people with disabilities in City Park, in the article “Public restroom as a scheme of land acquisition in the capital city”.

Considering the public’s interest after the article have been published, the non-indifferent citizens were sent to the Kyiv City Council for violations of the legislation during the privatization of municipal property, in particular, the public restroom at: Kyiv, vul. Grushevskogo, 3-B, City Garden Park.

The magazine reported the results of these appeals in an electronic version in its next article, The Public Toilet. Part Two. Manage the need for shrubs “

According to Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, local self-government bodies are legal entities and have these and other laws having their own powers, within which they act independently and are responsible for their activities in accordance with the law.

The Kyiv City Council, as a representative body of local self-government, should monitor the actions of the executive bodies and make appropriate decisions on elimination of violations of the law in case of violation of their legislation; appropriate commissions have been set up for this purpose at the Kyiv City Council, where such issues are going to be considered.

During this time, the deputies managed to address only this issue at a meeting of the Permanent Commission of Kyiv City Council on Property and Permanent Commission of Kyiv City Council on Law, Law and Prevention of Corruption.

Meanwhile, the Property Commission has not even been able to reach any decision on the matter. That is, they completely forgot about it. These are the Kiev deputies you have elected, who should take care of your rights and your needs.

At a meeting of the standing committee of the Kyiv City Council on Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement and Prevention of Corruption the deputies decided to send a petition for review to the relevant KSCA administration.

It should be noted that the violations reported by the Kyiv residents in their appeals took place, so the Office for Prevention and Detection of Corruption of the KSCA was forced to send these materials with the results of the investigation to the prosecutor’s office.

Currently, the prosecutor’s office is deprived of the ability to carry out inspections in order to supervise the observance and enforcement of laws. This is the responsibility of the local government, so the prosecutor’s office sent back case files to make the appropriate decision to return illegally privatized toilets to the city community. Despite this, the prosecutor’s office, which confirmed the residents’ fears about the illegality of the actions of the representatives of the city authorities, opened a criminal investigation. For which we are especially thankful.

The city authorities spend millions of hryvnias on demonstration projects such as the Klitschko Bridge or open the Jellyfish Museum in the toilets and so on. But time goes by, and it is extremely problematic for Kievans and guests of the capital to relieve themselves.

The statement by Kyiv Mayor Klitschko that the city authorities are doing everything to make Kyiv a comfortable city for Kyiv residents and guests, that the City Hall officials are focused on ensuring that people in wheelchairs do not feel any restrictions while moving around the capital, is profanity and populism.

At the same time, we remind you that the elections to the city council of the capital are be going to be soon, so Kievans, draw your conclusions and make your future choice so that we will no longer see such deputies, who are now slashing the budget and municipal property, on Khreshchatyk, 36.


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