At the beginning of the new millennium, in the year of the Orange Revolution 2004, German entrepreneurs from Bavaria decided to develop a modern agrarian business on the fertile lands of Cherkasy region, in particular, in Zhashkiv and Monastyrischensky districts. Having founded a business enterprise with a symbolic name — Ltd. “Victoria”, German farmers began to grow grain crops. The Germans invested nearly $ 1.5 million in the development of the company. They fitted it out with the latest equipment and technology.
For fifteen years German farmers have succeeded in business, despite the change of power and leadership in our country, introduced the latest technologies, and developed the Ukrainian village. All the time the inhabitants of these districts were provided with modern work and stable interests they received for their plots rented by German investors.
The Rule of the fifth President of the country is over. Petro Oleksijovich on his Twitter page says: “The arrival of worldly-famous businessmen in Ukraine is a result of implementation of our reforms and a graphic evidence of trust in our country on the part of foreign investors.”
Suddenly in October 2018 the Germans found out that the rent- agreements for the plots they process, canceled by their enterprise but ... without their participation. The German investors are stunned with shock! How could it happen?! After a while everything became clear — there is a fraud, which has already become an obligatory element of “Ukrainian business ”.
In early 2013 in the Cherkasy region the company-clone was registered by the German “Victoria” with the participation of a person (Turman Illya Sergeevich), who the German agrarians trusted. The difference between the registered company and the previous one was a dot at the end of the name — Ltd “Victoria.”. But there was one more grave difference! There were five real founders of the “Victoria”, five German businessmen: Otto Butler, Rainer Hollenbach, Gerhard Offenhoiser, Joachim Ortwin Butler, Hilkert Hubert. But after certain fraudulent actions the Ukrainian citizen, Genadij Myhel became the only founder of Ltd “Victoria.”.
Relying on our legislation, which should protect the rights of founders (owners), trusting Germans had to plunge into legal proceedings on October 10, 2018. In fact, the regulations of Ltd “Victoria” stipulates that the issue of amending the statute is the exclusive right of the meeting of participants (only citizens of Germany).
Such actions would have been impossible without the illegal actions of the state registrar of Mankivsky district state administration of the Cherkasy region Bondarenko Valentina Volodymyrivna. She should have fully complied with the requirements of the Law on State Registration. As a result of unlawful actions, decisions and inactivity of the state registrar, an illegal seizure of corporate rights happened. Also it was an attempt to raider capture of the harvest in 2018 that “Viktoria” Ltd and the foreign enterprise “Agro-Vild Ukraine” owned. Moreover, this led to the seizure of rented plots for commercial agricultural production on the territory of Knyazhykivska and Zyubry village councils of the Cherkasy region, since all land rent contracts were concluded by the owners of plots with Ltd “Victoria.”. And it was exactly this “Victoria.” the illegal actions of the state registrar Valentina Bondarenko were committed to.
Nowadays German investors have applied to the court, which has attached all the property, so there are judicial battles instead of a sowing campaign.
Well, who will benefit from this? Not peasants — that’s for sure.
At the Cherkasy Regional State Administration there is a regional working group on investor protection, counteraction to illegal takeover and seizure enterprises in order to prevent and respond promptly to cases of seizure of land plots and objects of agrarian infrastructure, other manifestations of agrarian raidership. Some deceived investors have already turned to this group for a help in resolving these issues.
The honor and dignity of our country, the opportunity to overcome the corruption and to resume the Europeans trust will depend on the result of conflict solution.