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Absurd of reformed National Police in Romny

Absurd of reformed National Police in Romny - Corruptionist in Ukraine

At the end of September last year, a car accident happened in the city of Romny, the culprit of which was a under aged driver who, while driving in his mother’s car, did not follow the safe speed and collided with other cars. And only thanks to a lucky chance none of the participants of the accident was injured, but all the cars (including the car where the under aged boy who has caused the accident was driving) had mechanical damage. At first glance, there is nothing special in this story. Unfortunately, I have to admit: now no one will be surprised that some children drive cars. But our story is not about that...

To begin, let’s recreate the sequence of the event. So, everything happened in from of the pedestrian crossing: a Seat car driven by an under aged Ilya Ternov hit the car of another road user — a Toyota Prado car Anatoliy Shimko, and he, in turn, “caught up” in front of VAZ, which also stopped, letting the pedestrians pass the road.

What should happen after that? The arrival of patrol police, registration, and bringing the perpetrator to justice. This is almost what happened: the police arrived, and the report was drawn up, and the perpetrators were allegedly punished, but all this took place, say, “taking into account the local Roma color.” How?

Already during the drawing up of the report, the participants of the accident were able to make sure that the local police officers are not only skilled law enforcement officers, but also unsurpassed magicians-illusionists who are able to make the whole car invisible!

In the presence of the issued scheme of road accident with three participants, the sergeant of the police Oleg Choni signs the report with participation of only two cars! The car of the culprit of the road accident disappears! It doesn’t hang in the air, it doesn’t rise above the head of the stunned spectators — it just disappears, as if it had never been there. It is as if that car does not appear on surveillance cameras and is not recorded in the photo. Who then claims the role of the perpetrator of the accident?

Anatoliy Shymko becomes the culprit of the traffic accident thanks to the skill of the police patrol inspector...

And here one simple question arises: what has inspired the police inspector Oleg Choni to perform such incredible inherent tricks? Why did the inspector resort to tricks instead of simply performing his direct duty and drawing up a report that corresponded to the above events and the accident scheme?

The answer was found fairly quickly: it turned out that the family of the juvenile perpetrator of the accident works closely with the Main Directorate of the National Police in Sumy region, namely — supplies him with building materials.

Didn’t she deserve a little gratitude from the police after such cooperation? According to the inspector who drew up the report, she deserved it.

However, the employees of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Sumy District were seized to disagree with the police officer’s conclusion. According to the results of the official investigation (in response to Anatoliy Shimko’s complaint with the available proven evidence), the leadership of the Sumy Oblast State Unitary Enterprise found a violation of current legislation by police sergeant Choni, who has directly drawn up a report on Anatoliy Shimko’s administrative offense. The inspector was even disciplined.

The under aged’s parents were also taken to administrative responsibility. However, the size of the administrative fine reaches only 850 UAH, which for a wealthy family is just a penny...

But for Anatoliy Shimko, the year of defending the violated rights continues, as the case of bringing him to justice is still pending. A man who has suffered as a result of the juvenile’s wrongful acts must go to court, write complaints, spend time, energy, and nerves to prove his innocence in the crime.

And what about the accused of the accident Ilya Ternovy? Convinced, realizing his impunity for what he did, he will continue to break the law. Probably, he has already formed an idea: to his — everything, to enemies — the law.

Only the awareness of every citizen of the “inevitability of punishment” for committing illegal acts will make the formation and development of Ukraine as a state governed by the rule of law possible.

#NationalPolice #roadaccident #SumyOblast #Romny #corruption


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