In April of this year, in an interview with the media, the head of the State Reserve Yaroslav Pogorely has announced an unscheduled audit and inventory, told about the facts of unauthorized alienation of 114 million UAH. and transference of materials to law enforcement agencies. However, the results of such checks have not yet been transparent and public. So the question is if these checks actually took place?
Meanwhile, new facts on thefts of property in the State Reserve are appearing in the media. Therefore, a natural question arises: if before this year the State Reserve had grain at the level of non-reducible stock, then taking into account the thefts, does it exist now?
According to the order of the State Reserve № 239 from 08.09.2009 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for monitoring the state of work with material values of the state reserve”, registered in the Ministry of Justice on January 21, 2010 under N65 / 17360, unscheduled control measures are carried out by authorized representatives of this department on the basis of the order of the State Reserve, in accordance with the appeals of public authorities, business entities and citizens on violation by responsible custodians of the Law of Ukraine “On State Material Reserve” and other regulations on responsible storage of state reserves and terms of such agreements.
The results of the control measure are set out in the act (certificate) on the basis of verified data and facts arising from the available originals of the documents of the responsible custodian who is inspected, the consequences of inventories, control measurements, inspections, weighing, control analyzes of raw materials, materials, quality control data. , compliance with technological modes of storage, compliance of products with established standards and technical conditions, as well as other data identified as a result of the control measure.
The act (certificate) on the control measure is signed by the authorized representatives of the State Reserve, who conducted the inspection, the head (the person who performs his duties), and the authorized people of the responsible custodian. The final date of drawing up and signing the act (certificate) is the last day of the control event.
In addition, the State Reserve system includes the Ukrainian State Research Institute “Resource” — the main institution of the state reserve system in matters related to the organization of quality preservation of material values in the state reserve, conducting input and periodic quality control of these material values, methodological and laboratory equipment to determine the quality of material values of the state reserve (order of the State Reserve Agency of Ukraine from 22.01.2013 № 7 “On streamlining the interaction between enterprises and organizations that belong to the management of the State Reserve of Ukraine to strengthen quality control of material values of the state reserve” ).
It means there are enough controlling bodies and mechanisms in the State Reserve to make sure that the proper control of the number of material values and their quality is kept.
According to Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Material Reserve” in case of failure to preserve the material values of the state reserve, including unauthorized alienation, from legal entities in the safekeeping of these values, a fine of 100 percent of the value based on their market prices on the day of detection of the fact of absence (unauthorized alienation), as well as a penalty on the value of their missing amount for each day until the full return of property.
As for today, we have no claims of the State Reserve against violating enterprises that have been registered in the system of the official web portal “Judicial Power of Ukraine”. Why? After all, the first thing that the new head of the State Reserve, Yaroslav Pohorily, did in office was to dismiss all heads of state-owned enterprises and remove the heads of state organizations.
An inventory should take place. At least this is required by paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the inventory of assets and liabilities, approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.09.2014 № 879. Inventory is mandatory, in particular, in case of change of materially responsible persons, as well as in case of change of team leader (foreman), withdrawal from the team (team) more than half of its members or at the request of at least one member of the team (team) with collective (team) liability (on the day of acceptance-transfer of cases) in the number of assets in safekeeping.
Yaroslav Pohorily has bragged about the leaders who allegedly want to stay in their high position, published the news on the official website of the State Reserve.
However, there are other examples. Here is one of them. There is an institution in Smila — “the Dnipro” manufactory, that is not well-known. We will not tell you what is stored on the territory of more than 20 hectares, where the state reserve warehouses have been located since the 1930s, because we do not know. But we know for sure that this is an area with no theft: not because modern surveillance and control systems are installed everywhere, but because people simply do not steal — all because of a high level of consciousness. And almost 100 people work here: caregivers, loaders, security, representatives of other professions. Mostly men. The primary temptation to put something in your pocket and take it out is destroyed. If you find something like this, the employee is fired without a chance to settle here in the future. There are a lot of people willing to come to work here: the salary is high — on average more than 16 thousand hryvnias, and working conditions are at a high level, and social protection is not on paper, and real care for each member of the team. For example, to get a job as a master of cargo work, the competition for one job position is 20 people. That’s why they value what they have.
All this manufactory is managed by Natalia Mykhailivna Matusevych — the leader of the modern generation: an educated specialist, a highly developed person, speaks foreign languages, studies the experience of other countries, seeks and finds profitable partners.
Unfortunately, not so long ago the staff of the Dnipro manufactory experienced a fever associated with the attempted raider capture: there are enough people willing to come and get ready business. But the team has defended its legal rights and continues to develop, with good prospects and confidence in the future.
So why do huge thefts of state property turn into de facto primitive thefts: to open a case against a person who was released without transferring cases? Why have law enforcement officers been appointed acting executives in the past?
The idea is great, the profits are large, although all regulatory requirements are violated. Because ahead of the completion of the reform of the state reserve, namely — privatization of the enterprises which are a part of its system.
That is why it is not necessary to purchase assets to the state reserve to provide the country in a difficult period; you don’t need to put up for sale when you can just steal it in a questionable audit. And then, when warehouses, elevators and oil depots are empty, just give them for privatization. At the same time, who will be the owner is clear to everyone.
#YaroslavPogorely #StateReserve