For now there is complicated situation with force groups in Ukraine. It’s difficult to count the number of this groups. The affiliation of majority of such groups to certain structures and individuals is obvious. During last four years television, social media and internet resources depict another raider seizure.Entrepreneurs, trade centers, offices of state farmers and everything that is worth money is being seizured.
Former ATO soldier who didn’t find a way to realize their potential in peaceful life are members of one type of force groups. Another type consists of sportsman, who are humiliatingly called titushki.
Lately groups of young people started to arise. They are patriotically-minded to defend the country, the public, and defend the legitimacy of state institutions and courts.
We should say respect to members of this last group because young boys do good things.
But let’s not hurry and keep emotions aside to make right cool minded conclusions.
We recently saw battles at the Osokorki, district of capital city, for Ecopark, where the guys from the
National Squad organization supported and protected the community from the developer of Arkada Bank.
We also see how the same guys restore public order by expelling from the Solomyansky district court in Kiev hired auspices to support the Odessa mayor of Trukhanov.
Well done!
But suddenly a surprise!
December 10, Afternoon, 2018 Trading House "Darnitsa"( Harkivske highway 144)
The building was seizured by National Squad forces, by those guys who were on Osokorki and Solomyanskii district court in Kiev. What are they doing there?
Let's recall the history and chronicles of the latest developments around this Trading House. At the end of 2016, a group of sportsman (also known as titushki) in charge with Dmitry Linko, his helpmate Michael Pomogaybo with the support of Darnytsky's chairman of the Radical Party organization Alexei Koshevets, made an attempt to seizured TH "Darnitsa" counting on fake documents. But, it turned out to be a failure, after which there were courts that one by one made a decision not in favor of Linko and Co.
So, comes the June 2017 and the TH"Darnitsa" titushki appear again and again with the same documents, probably in the new edition. D. Linko was the leader this time was, and the silver prizewinner of the European Championship and the master of sports of Ukraine of international class Konstantin Strizhak was his helpmate.Perhaps Dima decided to make money on forged documents, perhaps not only risking himself, but also finding someone who really wants money but really does not want to think. The result was predictable, Kostya Strizhak and Co. suffered a fiasco. These events were described from different sides, for example, the point of view determined the information resource rating.net.ua in the article «Benefits of Colonel Chernyshev»
And here on Dec. 10, 2018, once again TH"Darnitsa", lawyers, documents, representatives of the party claiming to be the owner of the Trading House, but titushki are not there, there are no ATO representatives too, and we only see the guys in the uniform of the National Squad ,
Who are headed by one of the leaders of Azov - Sergei Korotkikh (he is Bozman). Subsequent events did not differ much from the previous ones, only the cohesiveness of boys and desperation in communicating with law-enforcers were added.
There are two important questions:
First Who and why is trying to create the negative attitude of the National Squad ?
The second How will the state control such groups and organizations in the constitutional and legislative field, are they already all under someone's control or these events are just a workout?
Hey! Avakov!
Hey! Hrytsak!