In May, 2015 In Department of public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have reported that at the initiative of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov,vehicles on which fighters of special forces move and volunteers will get new serial numbers. New number boards have green background on which with white color figures and letters are put. Such signs will not differ against the background of camouflage colourings of the vehicles used by law enforcement agencies and volunteers in the anti-terrorist operation zone (OOS).
In May, 2015 In Department of public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have reported that at the initiative of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, Also it has been noted that one of the registration centers GAI Kiyeva has already received the first party of these number boards which will be enough to put on temporary accounting of 150 cars. This information has been published in many media, for example such as UNIAN, TSN, Avtonyyuz, AUTOCENTER, Telegraph, GORDON, the 5th port and also reflected in pages of Wikipedia.
Soon these number boards have received some power divisions, for example
regiment of police of special function "Myrotvorec",
regiment of police of special function "Kiev" and others.
It is clear, that further these number boards have been provided and assigned to law-enforcement and volunteer vehicles then cars with these signs have appeared on roads of Ukraine.
It seemed that the specified event it is realized, everything is in the lawful field, have forgotten and have passed. Here not. So at the beginning of September, 2018 around capital Poznyakov the inspector of patrol force of. Kiev the RENAULT LAGUNA vehicle with registration numbers KX 0061 which have been given out and registered to the shelf of police of special function "Myrotvorec" is stopped. Existence of number boards of unspecified sample was the stop reason the inspector of the car, do not conform to state standards (GOST). After long communication with the driver the inspector has issued the decree on administrative offense according to Part 6 of Article 121 of the Code of Ukraine about administrative offenses by which the driver are brought to administrative responsibility by imposing of penalty of 170 hryvnias.
We want to pay attention that further number boards on which moved the vehicle have not been withdrawn and the driver on the car has continued the movement further. Driver famous volunteer and journalist Sergey Novikov who was driving the above-stated car.
So without having agreed with actions of the inspector and penalty, S. Novikov has appealed to the Darnytsia district court with the claim for cancellation of the resolution and penalty.
Case in the judge was considered by the judge Zastavenko Marina Aleksandrovna
(Earlier judge of Krasnogvardeysky district court of the city of Makiivka of Donetsk region).
Having investigated it seems all circumstances, the judge has not taken illegal actions of the inspector of patrol force into account, namely: lack of the reason of stop, not removal of number board which became the reason of pronouncement of the resolution and has quietly released "violator". Also the judge did not investigate the fact of emergence of number boards of green color on the car and documents to them, and has as a result issued the decree in which has dismissed to S. Novikov the claim.
S. Novikov has filed the appeal. There passes time, there are no messages from the court of appeal. And here suddenly on December 4 this year when Sergey Novikov was on editorial task in zone of conducting ATO (OOS), on its phone the girl from uncertain number has called, having presented by the assistant judge and has reported that on December 5 to vidbuditsya hearings of its matter in the court of appeal. S. Novikov has reported "assistant", being in business trip, previously he was not reported about hearings and he is not able to get on meeting. Upon return from business trip S. Novikov finds out that he consideration of the case has taken place without its participation and its complaint was left without satisfaction.
Case is considered by the Sixth appeal administrative court, as a part of the presiding judge Kuzmishin A.N., and judges Kostiuk L.A., Pilipenko A.E...
There is question to the court of appeal as cases without timely and appropriate notification of the applicant of consideration are considered. But it is separate subject which the magazine will also find out later.
And now, the magazine tried to find out all this time why, the national police make the decision on application of number boards of green color which the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov presented in 2015 and which work out of the legal framework. The Main service center Ministry of Internal Affairs Regionalny the service center Ministry of Internal Affairs of century Kiev and the Regional service center Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kiev region have responded to journalistic inquiries almost equally: "the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not receive special registration number boards (camouflage green color) and did not give out".
But on journalistic inquiry in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, use by vehicles (cars) which are used by fighters of special forces of ATO and volunteers, serial numbers - camouflage green color is provided in zone of conducting fighting and such number boards to legal entities are published: to battalions and the volunteer organizations, the ministry has strained, has provided such answer: "according to provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About Access to Public Information" the term of consideration of request for information it is continued".
We wait for the answer and we hope to understand.
But there is question to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Arsen Avakov how it happened what you announce some innovations, and your subordinates on national police discredit them, and something can has gone not in that way?