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A pearl of Odessa in Tkachenko's pocket

A pearl of Odessa in Tkachenko's pocket - Corruptionist in Ukraine

“In everything that the film camera is aimed at today, the masses will have the opportunity to observe their own face,” said Walter Benjamin, and Jean-Luc Godard once added: “Photography is true. And the movie is really 24 frames per second. ”

Immediately after the proclamation of independence in Ukraine began the time of accumulation of capital by plundering the collective heritage of political functionaries and the criminal environment, which were called “elite” and “oligarchs”. Neither the so-called “elite” nor the “oligarchs” needed the film industry. Without government support and investors, it quickly began to decline. Meanwhile, real estate in the cultural and historical centers of cities, which was owned by the enterprises of the film industry, was surprisingly becoming more and more attractive for amateurs ... not even cinema amateurs — but lovers of easy profit. Yes, at one time the Odessa film studio of feature films came into their field of vision.

Of course, a wonderful city on the Black Sea coast — Odessa! In the center of the city, near the coast, is the French Boulevard, which houses the pearl of world cinema, the legendary Odessa Film Studio.

Back in 2002, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was recommended to resolve in the prescribed manner the issue of formation on the basis of the Odessa Film Studio feature films of a joint-stock company with the participation of the state while maintaining the main profile of its activities. At the beginning of the following year, GP Chmil, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, reported to the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine that he was working hard to grant the film studio national status.

Since 2003, Olga Neverko has been the general director of the Odessa Feature Film Studio.

Aware of the consequences of such privatization, the staff of the Odessa Film Studio does not agree to such transformations, which was immediately reported by the Ministry of Culture and the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine.

The concerned Odesa branch of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, in turn, appeals to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General and the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Combating Corruption and Organized Crime to take measures in according to abuses and corruption by officials of the Ministry of Culture and the General Director Olga Neverko film studios.

How symbolic that a man named Ershov was involved in the destruction of the Pearl of Odessa...

At the same time, supporters of “privatization” on behalf of the non-existent de jure Nova Kinostudiya LLC addressed the Odessa film studio with a letter announcing their intention to create a closed joint-stock company on its basis.

After that, the Minister of Culture Yuriy Bogutsky wrote a letter to the head of the State Property Fund — that he had received a request from “Nova Kinostudio LLC” and asked to consider the possibility of establishing CJSC “Odesa Film Studio”.

In response, Deputy Chairman of the State Property Fund Serhiy Lazarenko, ignoring the Law on Privatization of State Property, agreed to establish a Closed Joint-Stock Company.

Now Serhiy Lazarenko, as a respected and honored lawyer of Ukraine, is concerned about waterways at the State Enterprise “Ukrvodshlyakh” and ruthlessly fights corruption.

And here the director of the Odessa film studio Olga Neverko informs the State Property Fund of Ukraine that the meeting of labor collective took place and gives the permission to the creation of CJSC.

It is not necessary to tell to what extent this information corresponds with reality.

But... A letter signed by General Director Olga Neverko and Secretary EN Karablina was received by the SPFU on October 15, 2004,

and on October 18 Nova Kinostudiya LLC was registered. And no one is bothered that the newly registered LLC has been corresponding with government agencies and the Odessa Feature Film Studio for more than a month. Fantasy? No! Sad reality.

Olga Neverko, General Director of the Odessa Film Studio, realizing that the disagreement of the labor collective on such privatization jeopardizes all plans, commits an official crime, namely — falsifies the minutes of the meeting of this labor collective and forges the signature of the chairman of the meeting A.S. Kononov...

Did the State Property Fund of Ukraine know about it? They should have known because they corresponded with the general director of the Odessa film studio, where they were first told one date of the meeting of the labor collective, and then another. So why were they silent? The answer is easy to find in the SPFU order of December 27, 2004 signed by Serhiy Lazarenko. According to the order of the SPFU, he is the founder of CJSC “Odessa Film Studio”.

ТThus, in 2004 the State Enterprise “Odessa Film Studio of Feature Films” became a Closed Joint-Stock Company, and later a private one. The state was left with 50% +1 share, and the rest — passed into private ownership of the Limited Liability Company “New Film Studio”. Until recently, Oleksandr Tkachenko, the general director of the 1 + 1 Media channel group and now the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, became its owner.

As you can see, the privatization of the former giant took place with numerous violations and abuses. And the name itself remained from the former Odessa pearl. Will the new owners be able to return the film studio to its former glory?

At least so far we know one thing — 15 years have passed, but the Pearl of Odessa is still owned by fraudsters.

#OdessaFilmStudio #OleksandrTkachenko #privatization #MinisterofCulture


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