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Metro to Vinogradar or “No bags, no pears…”

Metro to Vinogradar or “No bags, no pears…” - Corruptionist in Ukraine
In January of 2018, the Kyiv Metro announced a tender for the construction of a new branch to Vynohradar. It was expected that the metro of the capital will extend for 2 more stations in three years. During this time, it was planned to extend the subway tracks from the existing “Syrets” station to the planned “Prospekt Pravdy” station with the “Mostytska” intermediate station and the section of the “fork branch” towards the “Vynohradar” station (the first stage of construction). Construction cost — UAH 6.3 billion. from taxpayers.

The insider games of tender procedures

According to the information in the ProZorro system, bids were submitted by three companies: PJSC “Building Association Interbudmontazh”, PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” and LLC “Construction Company Adamant”.

The last, referring to non-submission and inconsistency of some tender documents, was not allowed to participate in the bidding for Kyiv Metro. Adamant Construction Company LLC did not agree with this decision and filed a complaint with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. The tender procedure was suspended during the complaint, which, however, in no way prevented those wishing to bite off a piece of the budget pie in the form of such a “fat” order (6 billion UAH!!!) to play their own insider games during the stoppage of the tender.

PJSC Kyivmetrobud was considered the get the victory. This is the only organization in Ukraine that in the 70 years of its existence has created another city in the underground space of the capital of Ukraine. 74 kilometers of tunnels and 52 stations. That is why the main events of our story began to unfold around this private joint-stock company.

First of all, the structure of PJSC Kyivmetrobud has changed. The final beneficiary was a Russian businessman Sergei Kiyashko, who lost almost half of the company’s shares. (We can assume that Serhiy Kiyashko was very interested in winning the tender for the construction of the metro to Vynohradar, because, under such circumstances, his shares will rise in price).

Shares of Ukrainian businessmen have been transferred to offshore companies: 15% of Kyivmetrobud shares have been acquired by the previously unknown private fund Sun Capital Private Foundation in Panama. Judging by the size of the package, the Panamanian offshore has transferred shares that previously belonged to AMC ACE Dalis-Finance (ZNPVIF “Alfa-Priority”), and before that to Berezania Holding Ltd from Cyprus. This offshore Berezania was the recipient of funds in the scheme of Premier Leasing LLC during the presidentship of Yanukovych. “Premier Leasing” has received billions in orders from “Ukrzaliznytsia”, and “Berezania Holding Ltd” received interest on a loan that Premier Leasing took from the British Burlesk Entertainment LLP. Serhiy Kiyashko paid 15% of the shares as a credit to a third party).

Cyprus-based “Catsana Ltd” and Britain-based “Contemporary Construction Systems Llp” also bought a 23% of shares each in Kyivmetrobud. Prior to that, these packages were owned by PJSC “Introvest” and PJSC “Vestintro”.

According to the British Register, “Contemporary Construction Systems Llp” was managed by “Gevers Invest Ltd” from Belize until September. Until 2015, the last has indirectly owned “Smile Holding Ukraine LLC”. This holding used to belong to the former head of the SBU Valentyn Nalyvaichenko’s daughter, and he himself headed a group of advisers of the holding in 2010-2012.

In Ukraine, “Contemporary Construction Systems Llp” is also a major shareholder of “Ukrpromstrakh Insurance Company PJSC” and “Sofia Gate Insurance Company PJSC”.

On September 10, 2018, the Kyiv Metro utility company resumed a tender for the construction of a section of the Syretsko-Pecherska metro line. The winner was PJSC Kyivmetrobud, which announced the lowest price — UAH 5.981 billion, which is UAH 12.214 million less than the expected value.

And in October 2018, the new shareholders dismisses the CEO of the company — a professional metro builder with extensive experience in PJSC “Kyivmetrobud”, his name is Alexander Metelitsa.

Vasyl Kobil, a 25-year-old builder, is selected in his place.

He previously worked as Technical Director of “Edelweiss UAB LLC” at Peter Kobil’s company, and before that headed the capital construction departments of Kyiv City Mall LLC and International Logistics Company LLC, the beneficiary of which is Daniel Gupta, CEO of Amtel Group Russia.

The Supervisory Board of PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” has elected Acting General Director Vasyl Kobil with a clear term of office — for 3 months. Its main task was the implementation of organizational and economic, financial and economic, legal, technical measures aimed at reorganizing the enterprise, which was to contribute to financial recovery and increase production efficiency.

Raider seizure?

Immediately after winning the tender of PJSC Kyivmetrobud, Kyiv City Council deputies announced a raider seizure of PJSC Kyivmetrobud and asked Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klychko to investigate the stolen shares of Kyivmetrobud. Journalists were also interested in this issue.

At the request of “Nashi Groshi” (Our Money) to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine regarding the purchase of shares in PJSC Kyivmetrobud in 2018, the AMCU stated that it had not received any applications for the concentration of shares in the form of their purchase from PJSC Kyivmetrobud. Instead, Vitali Klitschko instructed Dmytro Davtyan, the Deputy Minister of Transport, to hold an urgent meeting with the participation of deputies from all factions, as well as heads of law enforcement agencies.

But Dmytro Davtyan was not in a hurry to do it: instead of a meeting to consider the case of the raider seizure of PJSC Kyivmetrobud, he enlisted the support of the new Russian owner of PJSC Serhiy Kiyashko and MPs from the Opposition Platform For Life — Igor Abromovich and Vadim Stolar. and quickly closed the case, and began to facilitate the earliest possible provision of funds for PJSC “Kyivmetrobud”.

And the construction of the metro “on Vynohradar” turned into a subway before the private construction of the new residential complex “Warsawski Kwartal” (Warshaw Block) which is being built by Vadym Stolar.

In November 2018, despite the decision of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv № 757/52178/16-k dated 25.10.2018 on the prohibition of any state registrars, private notaries to perform any registration actions against the PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY “KYIVMETROBUILD” was registered in the state register (without the prefix “acting”) by the general director of PJSC "Kyivmetrobud“’s name.

Subsequently, “Kiyashko, Stolar, Abramovich and Davtyan’s group” changed the top management, security service for the persons under their control and actually removed from control over the work of PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” dissatisfied with the pace of construction and the unprofessional team that uses funds for other purposes. shareholders...

“Where’s the money, Zina?”

At the end of 2018, PJSC Kyivmetrobud received an advance payment of UAH 2.6 billion. (Davtyan is still working as a deputy for transport infrastructure) and “started” to build the subway.

During the year of construction, many activists had questions about the speed of construction of the subway and in turn, began to take interest in PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” where advance funds in the amount of UAH 2,587,995.00 thousand were spent.

In response, the company provided only information about the work performed (as of October 1, 2019).

On November 5, 2019, the mayor Vitaliy Klitschko visited the construction site, emphasizing that the city is fulfilling all its obligations to PJSC Kyivmetrobud, and hinting that the main contractor must also fulfill its obligations.

After calculating the approximate work and funds spent, the activists found that for the year, the General Director of PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” Vasyl Kobil has spent 1.5 billion UAH. and performed, but not signed by the customer, works for UAH 150 million, which is 2.5% of the contract amount...

On December 17, 2019, in compliance with all the requirements of the legislation, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was held, at which a new composition of the Supervisory Board was decided. At an extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board, it was decided to dismiss Vasyl Kobil from the position of General Director of Kyivmetrobud PJSC and to appoint Oleksandr Metelytsia to the position of General Director.

Undeclared war

Kiyashko, Stolar, Abramovich, and Davtyan, while realizing the loss of control over PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” tried with all their might to disrupt the general meeting of shareholders. Initially, a gang of young men, led by Vadym Stolar’s security chief, Serhiy Shulyak (also a deputy’s assistant on a voluntary basis), tried to break down the door to get inside, unreasonably calling the fire brigade and emergency services. When these measures did not help, the young men on the team of their leader Serhiy Shulyak started throwing stones and smashing windows and doors in the room. The assembly hall, where the general meeting of shareholders took place, was hit the hardest. When that didn’t help, they started running gas through the broken windows and called the police. In this way, specially trained young men tried to disrupt the shareholders’ meeting.

Having lost “their” director — Vasyl Kobil, Kiyashko, Stolar, Abramovich and Davtyan start legal wars: they file lawsuits for non-recognition of the general meeting of shareholders and ask the courts to block any changes to the register of the Ministry of Justice, take control of the registration service. At the same time, a media campaign is launched about the alleged raider seizure of PJSC Kyivmetrobud. “Channel 112” and other media that are close to the “Opposition Platform For Life” party are making special efforts.

At the same time, shareholders who opposed the embezzlement of budget funds appealed to such law enforcement agencies.

Here are some examples of money laundering. Thus, UAH 45 million was transferred in advance to Emporium LLC. Millions of other enterprises also received from the accounts of PJSC Kiimetrobud:

In the last week of 2019, almost UAH 250 million was withdrawn from the accounts of PJSC Kiimetrobud. In the last month alone, more than $ 10 million US has been transferred to gasket companies, which has already jeopardized the timely and safe! construction of the subway on Vynohradar.

In addition, shareholders point out that if the subway is built at this rate, it will never be built.

DBR employees, forgetting about their direct goals and tasks, for those who do not know or have forgotten: DBR investigates criminal proceedings involving law enforcement officers, judges and senior officials (from ministers to chiefs of state), help Stolar, Abramovich, Kiyashko and Davtyan find individuals, who are neither law enforcement officers, nor investigators, nor top officials, have documentation that will further provide the opportunity to fully seize control over PJSC “Kyivmetrobud”.

And what after that? Criminal cases are being fabricated against activists — shareholders of PJSC “Kyivmetrobud”, they come with investigators of DBR to search apartments without any grounds, having only a printed resolution signed by any authorized person ...

It became known from insider sources that the searches and actions of DBR investigators were led by Vitaliy Opanasenko, who in the past worked as a prosecutor in the military prosecutor’s office and was a participant in the case of falsification of expertise in criminal proceedings.

Now Kiyashko, Stolar, Abramovich, and Davtyan are hiding General Director Vasyl Kobil from law enforcement agencies and shareholders. They appointed a new acting General Director of PJSC “Kyivmetrobud” Yu.M. Krapivina, who previously held the position of head of the USBU in Rivne region.

And rest assured, as soon as Vadym Stolar sells all the apartments in the Warsaw Quarter residential complex, and the Kyiv City State Administration starts to be interested in building a subway on the Vynohradar housing estate and the money allocated for it, it turns out that PJSC Kiimetrobud is bankrupt. subway, he will still have debts on loans and arrears of wages and taxes.

And again, Kyivans will have neither bags nor pears.

#Kyivmetrobud #KyivMetro #SerhiyKiyashko #VadymStolar #VitalyKlychko #corruption


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